About US


Sophie Freiermuth (with the scarf) is the Director of Ezenka, she founded it in 2019 to offer her user research expertise in the form of consultancy, research and training services. Sophie has been a user researcher for over a decade, working with organisation of all sizes and remits, and researching world-wide in English and French, and accidentally in German, Spanish or Portuguese. She is also an experienced trainer who thrives on passing on her knowledge and expertise and growing the community with savvy and well trained practitioners. Read more about Sophie: LinkedIn, Wakelet.

Denise Kelly (with the stripes) is in charge of making everything run smoothly in the back office and keeping everything on time, on budget and on track (not a small task considering how much there is to be done!).

Meet us in person:

We are based in Galway at Platform 94, coworking space, and available world-wide, masked up when we need to!


At Agile India 2019 in Bangalore, Sophie shared how to conduct User Research in an agile environment.


We deliver entry-level courses in UX design in partnership with the UX Training Institute, a robust and trustworthy educational provider based in Dublin. We design and deliver specialised user research courses ourselves.

For the makers of Candy Crush, we researched and analysed user preferences and mental models.

For the innovation branch of a pharma industry heavyweight, we organised and conducted long-term product research with a Canadian test-user group of 120 people, working closely with the Germany-based team and USA- based product owner.


We partner with this UK based UX design consultancy, to offer user experience design and product design services in addition to our user research services. Full disclosure: it was founded by our Director, Sophie Freiermuth, in 2012!