Our courses

User research, be it surveys, interviews, ethnographic observations or product testing with users ("user testing") looks easy when it's well done, however it is a complex, rich discipline that needs training and support for researchers to provide their teams and organisations with the most robust, substantiated insights. We are keen to create strong researchers, who in turn help make better products and services.

Our training courses and seminars are intense yet fun. They're engaging, make participants tap into any pre-existing knowledge or experience, and aim at creating long-lasting, useful knowledge that is immediately applicable to their work.

Offered live-online (not pre-recorded) or -and that's our preferred forma-, in-person, our courses are designed with different learning styles in mind. We aim to support learners in all their individual learning styles. We welcome people who need to learn standing up, or moving, or who need to be shown, not told, or who need time to process or who need to ask lots of questions. We adapt to needs and topics of interest of the participants, and aim to complement any pre-existing knowledge. We believe people already know some things before they step into any classroom, and aim to have them leave with stronger, more coherent knowledge and applicable skills.

User Research fundamentals

Learn the end to end user research process, develop a strong base from which to conduct research through to robust insights.

Entry level course

Learn to generate clearer, more thoughtful answers from your qualitative research participants.

Improvers level course

Need another course?
Just ask us about it

We want better research all around, so digital products and services better serve people.

Whatever the research angle that interests you, be it "researching in multiple countries and languages", or "testing with children", or anything else, we can create or source course materials and subject-experienced instructors with our international network of researchers and our experience at creating high impact instructional content. We can also offer our courses in French!